
″MAHAPRABHU″ (ParaBrahma, Supreme Brahman Saguna Personal Brahman, ″The Great Lord″)
Introduction : MahaPrabhuYoga
“Om Jai”, Maha means The Greatest One, a mighty personage, Prabhu means supreme, most powerful having control over everything…The Great Lord having mastery on everything. Yog or yoga means Yuj means union.Oneness with Brahman union of Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul with the supreme Soul, Parabrahma, Parmeshwara, Parmatma. MahaPrabhuYoga means union, Oneness with “The Great Almighty Lord” Paramatma, Parmeshwara, Parabrahma.
The greatest & highest purpose of Human life is to achieve yoga, Oneness, union with the Supreme Divine Parabrahma and remain in yoga henceforth. When you are in yoga you imbibe Divine attributes and Divine Nature and serve “The MahaPrabhu”. Your whole Instrument i.e. Body, Mind, Spirit becomes Peaceful, Blissful, Joyful & Beautiful. You are in perfect Harmony with Divine Nature. You experience Rutumbhara Prajna, a fully alive Rhythmic Nature with highest form of Wisdom Intelligence & Understanding. You become synchronous with all creation. In complete coherence with “The MahaPrabhu”, The Param Chaitanya of MahaPrabhu flows freely through you. You enjoy Divine Beauty within you. Real beauty of enjoyment of beauty.
Practice of “MahaPrabhuYoga” is for everyone. All creation is a celebration. Human life is for highest spiritual Satsang celebration which includes all nature the infinity of Cosmos. Spiritual Satsang is the only reality which gives expression as a whole realising Interconnectedness, Interdependence and Respecting each other’s Independence, with its unbound beauty and limitless joy. “The MahaPrabhu” is our eternal friend. We are all Prabhusakha’s and Prabhusakhhi’s, Mahaprabhu Yogi’s & MahaPrabhu Yogini’s; with hearts of one Accord…. Aatmaj, Divine Soul Friends.
In “MahaPrabhuYoga” Satsang you develop profound Integral Personality i.e. your Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Abilities. You enjoy Divine Friendship & establish harmonious, peaceful, Loving relationship with all human beings and the surrounding Nature. You start enjoying beauty of nature and whole creation. You explore & develop your Inner Innate Potential Quatities Essence & Energies to achieve your esteem goals of your life. You promote Peace, Equanimity, Harmony, Love, Compassion & Sharing joy so that everyone should live healthy life without fear, tensions, stress etc. You spread happiness and divine Joy every-where you go. Every human being must rule his Empire sitting as king in his heart on the beautiful throne “The MahaPrabhu” has made for oneself and enjoy life. Your Atma “The Soul” is in your heart and “The Supreme Soul” is in the Heart of Hearts.
The growth of “MahaPrabhuYoga” Satsang is our collective growth. Each Individual shall grow by sharing and caring with love and compassion for each other. All must contribute Physically, Mentally, Monetarily & Spiritually for the growth of “MahaPrabhuYoga” Satsang. Spirit of “MahaPrabhuYoga” is our real potential & strength. Practice makes one more perfect & great. Practice of “MahaPrabhuYoga” with Faith, Devotion, Dedication, Hardwork & Patience shall make you a great personality.
“MahaPrabhu” The Great Lord is our eternal friend. be friendly with yourself, with all people & nature. Only Divine Friendship can lead us to peace, harmony, knowledge, prosperity, love and joy. “Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself” – (Leviticus). “Fellowship is heaven & lack of fellowship is hell; fellowship is life, and the lack of fellowship is death; and the deeds that ye do upon the Earth, it is for fellowship’s sake that ye do them”. -( William Moris )